Week two in Reception

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 1:01pm

Hello everybody,

We have enjoyed another super week in Reception and are now becoming confident with classroom routines. This week we have been talking about rules and why they are important. We decided to create a list of classroom rules. The children really impressed us with their ideas and thoughts on how to be excellent classroom role models!  We also enjoyed our first ‘Wellie Walk Wednesday’. We worked very hard to put our wellington boots on independently. The children also liked listening to and acting out the story of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. Fun was had by all!

We are in the process of setting up a sharing platform called EvidenceMe. This is an observational tool that allows us to share photographs of your child with you and celebrate the things they are doing in school. You will also have the option to share photos and achievements from home too. To enable us to do this, we will need an up-to-date email address for anyone wanting to access the app. Please could you send your email address to our school email if you have not already provided school with one, thank you.  Participation is optional, but we really recommend getting involved.  Visit http://help.evidence.me/parent-share/help-for-parents/ for further information and guidance.

We are missing some items of uniform. Please can I ask that you check your child’s uniform and kindly return any items that do not belong to you. Also please ensure cardigans or jumpers are labelled with your child's name. Thank you.

Enjoy your weekend,

Miss Berks and Mrs McDonald