Week Three in Reception

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 11:06am

Hello everybody,

What another fantastic week we have had in Reception. This week we read the story ‘You Choose’ by Pippa Goodhart.  We discussed the choices we make daily, such as those we choose regarding our learning, whether to have milk or water at snack time, and what to eat for lunch. We also know that each of us has various tastes and preferences, and that is okay, and we celebrate those differences. We have also been working hard to ensure we follow our class rules.  

During ‘Wellie Walk Wednesday’, we listened to the sounds we could hear around us and enjoyed hearing the birds chirp. Autumn is fast approaching, and we are excited to see how our environment will change.  

Next week, we will be reading the story We all Belong by Natalie Goss.  We will explore what makes each of us special and unique. 

Reading Books

Just a reminder that Children will be given a reading book to take home each week (please return books every Monday and we will issue a new one.)

Phonic and Reading Workshop

We will be holding a Reception Phonic and Reading Workshop on Wednesday 28th September for all parents and carers who would like to attend. This workshop will give you a clearer understanding of how we teach phonics and reading in Reception, and will hopefully provide you with the ‘know how’ to help you to support your child as they begin their reading journey.

Reception Phonic and Reading Workshop- 3.45pm—4.15pm

Evidence Me

We are now in the process of setting up a sharing platform called EvidenceMe. This is an observational tool that allows us to share photographs of your child with you and celebrate the things they are doing in school. You will also have the option to share photos and achievements from home too. To enable us to do this, we will need an up-to-date email address for anyone wanting to access the app. Please could you send your email address to our school email if you have not already provided school with one, thank you.  Participation is optional, but we really recommend getting involved.  Visit http://help.evidence.me/parent-share/help-for-parents/ for further information and guidance.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Berks and Mrs McDonald