Week Six in Reception
Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 3:59pm
Hi everyone,
We have had another fabulous week in Reception. This week, we have been discussing our emotions. We read 'The Jar of Happiness’ by Ailsa Burrows. We have talked a lot about how we express different emotions and how to control them, especially when we are upset. We also discussed the class rules and talked about how hard we are working to follow them.
This week, we have learned the sounds g, o, c, k. We love saying the rhymes as we write the letters! The children have been given a letter formation sheet, which helps to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. There is no need to return the sheet to school, so please just do what you can and when you can. Feel free to use your imagination to practise letter formation (writing with paint, foam or even writing in the mud with a twig, etc.)
In maths, words like ‘more', ‘fewer’, and ‘the same’ have been used to compare quantities. Additionally, we have been introduced to a five frame. When an object is placed in each square of a five-frame, the frame is complete, and we recognise that there must be a total of five objects.
In Come and See we talked about how God knows and loves each person. Additionally, our names were used as part of a prayer. When a name was selected from a bag, the person was told to stand up and we prayed, "Please God, take care of.....”.
During Wellie Walk Wednesday, we created self-portraits using natural objects. We also used our magnet eyes to explore our surroundings. We were so excited when we spotted some signs of autumn (leaves changing colour, berries, etc.) The children enjoyed collecting the different coloured leaves. They are now in the craft area, where we will create some beautiful autumn artwork. We love nature!
We have continued to explore mixing primary colours. The children enjoyed using primary and secondary colours to make emotion characters which represented different feelings such as happy, sad, cross and excited.
We hope that you have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Berks and Mrs McDonald