Week Seven in Reception!!

Date: 18th Oct 2022 @ 4:27pm

Hi everyone, 

We cannot believe that we have been in Reception for seven weeks. Mrs McDonald and I are really proud of you all for working so hard. We have learned new routines, made new friends and tried new things. Wow, we are definitely ready for a rest!  Parents/Carers, we really appreciate all of your help at home and your ongoing support. 

We have had a very busy three days. We have learned so much about Black History Month and its significance this week. For example, we looked at Mary Seacole and her inspiring life. Furthermore, we enjoyed listening to the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’. We talked about how special each of us is and how we value our uniqueness. The children have had fun learning about life in Africa, especially the African Savanna.  We discussed cultural differences in regard to things like music, clothing, food and housing. African music was extremely enjoyable for the children to dance to. The children also created some beautiful artwork that represents belonging. Photographs to follow.

This week, we have learned the sounds ck, e, u, r.  We love saying the rhymes as we write the letters! The children have been given a letter formation sheet, which helps to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. There is no need to return the sheet to school, so please just do what you can and when you can. Feel free to use your imagination to practise letter formation (writing with paint, foam or even writing in the mud with a twig, etc.)  

In maths, we looked at patterns. We realised that there are patterns in songs, dances, colours, shapes, and other things all around us. The children had fun making their own repeating patterns; some even created patterns with four parts! Some exciting repeating pattern activities have been added to the Reception Class page. Check them out and put yourself to the test! 

We discussed animal habitats and hibernation on our wellie walk. We must especially take care of our animals now that the weather is turning cooler. The children helped Spikey, our class hedgehog, in finding an appropriate place to hibernate. When we return to school, we will create our own clay hedgehogs and natural habitats for them. 

In Come and See, we had a silent reflection to mark the end of our topic 'Myself’. We reflected on the fact that God loves us all, knows our names, and values each individual.  

We hope that you have a happy half term break and we shall see you on Tuesday,  the 1st of November 2022.

Miss Berks and Mrs McDonald