Week One in Reception :)

Date: 13th Sep 2023 @ 6:46pm

Hello everyone,

What a fantastic first full week of school. We are so proud of you, children; you are amazing.

This week, we continued to get to know each other and adjust to our new classroom routines. We have also done an excellent job of cleaning up the areas of the classroom for which we are responsible. Furthermore, we made birthday cards for one of our friends to celebrate his birthday. He is the first of us to turn five! 

This week's Wellie Walk was a huge success! We worked very hard to put on our wellington boots independently and to use our listening ears while walking. We were able to identify sounds like birds tweeting and children laughing by paying close attention to the sounds we could hear outside. We are already looking forward to next week's Wellie Walk!

On Wednesday (13th September), children brought home an exciting letter with information about participating in a balance bike course (28th and 29th September 2023). It is important that you sign the consent form for your child to take part. In addition, children must wear their PE kits on both days.

We finished the week with a visit from our Year 6 Buddies. We enjoy spending time with and learning from our friends. Check out the photographs below!

We are in the process of setting up our sharing platform called EvidenceMe. This is an observational tool that allows us to share photographs of your child with you and celebrate the things they are doing in school. You will also have the option to share photos and achievements from home too. To enable us to do this, we will need an up-to-date email address for anyone wanting to access the app. Please could you send your email address to our school email if you have not already provided school with one, thank you.  Participation is optional, but we really recommend getting involved.  Visit http://help.evidence.me/parent-share/help-for-parents/ for further information and guidance.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend,  see you on Monday. 

The Reception Team 

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