Week Five in Reception :)

Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 1:05pm

Hi everyone,

What another super week in Reception!

This week's featured story was a 'Jar of Happiness,' which coincided nicely with celebrating World Mental Health Day on Tuesday. We made sunflower headbands to symbolise bravery and hope. We also discussed how different emotions are normal and how important it is to share them with one another.

On Thursday, we celebrated Black History Month by learning about Caribbean culture! We looked at a number of Caribbean islands, including Jamaica. To aid our learning, we decorated biscuits to look like the Jamaican flag and to represent Caribbean culture, created some beautiful artwork together, and then sampled some delicious cuisine such as sweet potatoes and made a delicious Caribbean punch. Check out some photographs below :).

We have also been busy getting ready for our Harvest Festival performance. We cannot wait for you to see us perform. The children have expressed their excitement for dressing up as scarecrows for the day and preparing some delicious pumpkin and vegetable soup for you!

In phonics, we learnt the sounds ' ck, e, u, and r' . We love saying the rhymes as we write the letters! The children have been given a letter formation sheet, which helps to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. There is no need to return the sheet to school, so please just do what you can and when you can. Use your imagination to practise letter formation (writing with paint, foam or even a twig in the mud, for example.)

In maths this week, we looked at capacity and pattern. We especially enjoyed making our own repeating patterns out of natural objects like twigs and conkers!

Unfortunately, we had to cancel this week's Wellie Walk due to rain. Let's hope for better weather next week.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team

Harvest Festival Assembly Information- Friday 20th October 2023 9:20am

We cannot wait to have you attend our Harvest Festival assembly at school. Places are limited to a maximum of 2 per family as we are restricted by the size of the Infant Hall. If you would like to attend, simply sign in at the office from 9.20am. Please stop by our Reception classroom after the assembly is over to sample the delicious pumpkin and vegetable soup we will be making the day before, as well as to do some fun autumn themed crafts. 

In order to make our Harvest assembly a visual extravaganza, we are asking the Reception children to come to school dressed as scarecrows. Be as imaginative as you can! Use face paint, for instance, or decorate a straw hat. We also ask that the children wear their trainers to school on this particular day because they will have their PE lesson later in the day.