Week Five in Reception
Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 4:05pm
Hi everybody,
We have had another fabulous week in Reception! This week, we read the story ‘I Want a Friend’ by Tony Ross. We talked about what makes a good friend, what might break a friendship, and how we can fix our friendships when we fall out.
This week, we have learned the sounds i, n, m,d. We love saying the rhymes as we write the letters! The children have been given a letter formation sheet, which helps to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. There is no need to return the sheet to school, so please just do what you can and when you can. Feel free to use your imagination to practise letter formation (writing with paint, foam or even writing in the mud with a twig, etc.)
In Maths, we have explored length. We described and compared different lengths using language such as longer, shorter, longest and shortest. The children enjoyed making snakes out of playdough and using cubes to measure their length!
In Come and See, we have continued to explore the importance of our names. We listened to scripture by Isaiah who told us that God loves us and knows our names. In Collective Worship, the children have been learning a new song called ‘Come and Join the Circle’. We know that it is time to start Collective Worship when we hear this song. We sit quietly and listen to God’s word.
We have also enjoyed mixing primary colours. We each chose two primary colours and observed which colour it makes when mixed.
Unfortunately, we have not been able to go on our wellie walk this week because of the very wet weather. We are hoping for better weather next week!
The children also had their school photographs taken. We had lovely smiles and sat up straight. We cannot wait for you to see them.
Evidence Me
We have shared our first observations today via Evidence Me. Please remember, we would love for you to share your child's learning with us too. Your child will have at least one observation per fortnight - if you did not receive an observation this week, there will be one posted the following week.
Parents Evening
We will be holding our Autumn term Parents’ Evenings on Wednesday 12th and Wednesday 19th October from 3.40pm - 6.20pm. Appointment slips were sent home with the children last week. Please complete and return your slip as soon as possible so that appointments can be allocated. Please note that Parents’ Evenings are for parents only and children must not accompany their adult to the appointment.