Week ending Friday 16th June

Date: 19th Jun 2017 @ 5:06pm


We have been practising reading and making O 'clock and half past times.  Miss said we did well with O' clock but half past was a little trickier.  We had to place the small hand exactly between the 3 and the 4 for half past 3 otherwise it wasn't right!  We also had to remember that it was the big hand, not the small hand, that points to the 6 for half past times. 


We had a very special visitor this week.  Mrs Burrows brought her pet snake to say hello to everyone in Y1!  Mrs Dixon was very scared and wouldn't come in the classroom!  We had prepared lots of questions for her and we were really interested in the answers! 


We are continuining to enjoy our new history topic; Seaside Holidays in the Past and are finding new things out all the time.  Oliver said "I can't believe how different it was back then.  I can't believe ladies and men had to go to separate beaches!"  

Watch out for a special event that we have coming up very soon.....Y1's Picnic in the Past. We will be inviting you to come and join us for a Victorian picnic, eating as they would have done all those years ago and enjoying some old fashioned activities.  We will keep you posted!  So keep an eye out....cool