Week ending 9th March

Date: 9th Mar 2018 @ 4:09pm

Come and See

We are nearing the end of our 'Meals' topic now and have been learning abou the 'Our Father' prayer and writing questions about Holy Communion.  Some of us have worked together, and as a group, to plan the prayertime for the end of the topic.  This class prayertime will take place in class with the children next week.

Letters and Sounds:

We have been busy practising reading nonsense words, as well as real words, in preparation for our special reading that will take place in June.  Look out for a letter about it which will be coming home, along with some practice words to read, in the next couple of weeks.


Maths has been quite tricky this week.  We have been learning about the inverse rule and the relationship between addition and subtraction facts.

The Enchanted Wood:

We are really enjoying our new topic on The Enchanted Wood and are now able to use our senses to describe what you might see, hear and touch within an enchanted wood.  We spent time listening to beautiful enchanting music and looking at images to inspire us with our own ideas.

We also spent time this week developing our mapping skills both in PE and our topic (Geography) lesson.  Miss was super impressed with how we were able to draw our own maps using a key, symbols and colour.

Friday afternoon we spent finishing off our Mother's Day cards and we hope all of our Y1 Mummies like the little surprises that your children have made for you!  Wishing you all (and ourselves wink) a wonderfully, restful day.