Week ending 9th June

Date: 12th Jun 2017 @ 3:12pm

Our Last Half-Term in Year 1 surprise

We cannot believe that this is our last half-term in Year 1!  The time has flown since September and we have grown so much and learnt sooooo much too!  However, we still have space in our brains for more learning so look out on our class blog page for all the wonderful things we will be taking part in this half term!  

This week we have settled straight back into school life and have been as busy as ever....


This week we have been learning about inverse operations and the commutative law. Sounds tricky but it isn't really when you know how.  Miss said we have made a good start but we will continue practising this over the coming weeks.

Letters and Sounds:

Next week we will be doing our special reading so we have been busy bees reading both real words and nonsense words.  Miss told us not to forget to bring our phoneme spotting glasses with us next week. cool

Come and See:

We have started our new topic in Come and See.  It is called Being Sorry and is all about making the right choices.  Next week, we are going to hear about some tax collectors from the Bible called Levi and Zacchaeus.  Jesus helped them to make the right choices and be much happier with their lives. 

Seaside Holidays in the Past:

We have started our new history topic this week all about seaside holidays in the past. We were fascinated in our first lesson to learn about the different clothing that people wore to the seaside, the bathing machines that only the rich people could use and the way that the men and women had to go to separate beaches!  We were amazed and cannot wait to find out more!