Week ending 8th December

Date: 10th Dec 2017 @ 7:30am

Christmas is creeping upon us but in the meantime we have had another very very busy week this week!

Come and SeeImage result for advent

We have been learning about Advent and how to prepare ourselves for the birth of Jesus at Christmas.  We have made an Advent Calendar but, unlike those often used nowadays, our Y1 calendar doesn't contain chocolates but it contains promises about what we are going to do during Advent.  Wednesday was our first ever 'Stay and Pray.'  We hope the parents and grandparents who joined us enjoyed it and had a super to their day!


Last week waqs 2d shapes.  This week was all about naming, describing and sorting 3d shapes.  Some of the names are quite tricky to remember!

Nativity Play:

Well the date for our performance is drawing near!  Thanks to all the parents who have sent in their children's clothes.  Our dress rehearsal is on Monday 11th and our performances for our families are on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th.  We are very excited and hope to see many of you there!

We Are All Special!

Do you remember last week's Blog when we mentioned our class book called 'We Are All Special'?  Well, we were thrilled this week to have it sent as Good Work in Friday's assembly and were proud to show it off to the rest of the school.  Our topic for this term has been 'Marvellous Me' and is sadly coming to an end.  sad  However, we have had such a wonderful time learning about how we are all different but equally as special as one another and this book is a superb example of this. smiley

Image result for we are all special quotes