Week ending 7th July

Date: 18th Jul 2017 @ 9:53am

Sports Day:

Well it finally went ahead and didn't we have a fantastic time! Obstacle races, running races and throwing events...it was just a shame that we over ran a little and didn't manage to fit in the parents race!  Never mind!  Get yourselves in training for next year all you sporty mums and dads out there!

Come and See:

Following our successful Arts Week, where we learnt a little about Kenya, we have just started our new Come and See topic 'Neighbours.'  We will learn about neighbours from all over the world and the work of CAFOD in developing countries.  

Greenslate Farm:

Don't worry if you have mislaid the letter about our Y1 trip that came home in the homework folders on Monday. Miss has put a copy of it on Y1's class page on the website.