Week ending 6th October

Date: 10th Oct 2017 @ 9:47pm

Well, that's another week that has whizzed by.....


We have had another wonderful week in Year 1 involving preparing for our harvest assembly and learning to recite a poem that we would be performing to the rest of the school in celebration of National Poetry Day.  Mrs Duffy and Mrs Taylor were also impressed with how quickly we learnt our own verses for our harvest poem, Farmer, Farmer.  We had such confidence when practising and showed just how much confidence we really do have!


On Friday morning we were so excited to be able to come to school dressed in our farmer outfits and these really enhanced our performance.  We wore wellington boots and flat caps and felt proud of ourselves as we recited all the words we had been asked to learn.  Thank you to all that could make it to our Harvest Assembly celebration. We hope you enjoyed our poem and singing!


In Literacy, we have been busy writing sentences suitable for an informal letter and are looking forward to writing to Miss Davies and Miss Parr next week. 


So that's all for now....time to sign off.  Looking forward to another busy week next week.
