Week ending 5th October

Date: 7th Oct 2018 @ 10:45pm

Come and See:

We have nearly finished our topic on families now.  We learnt about Jesus as a young boy growing up in Nazareth and the importance of his loving family.  Ask your child if they can remember why his house had a flat roof and why it was painted white.  That will tell you whether they have been listening or not! wink Some children worked together to plan our prayertime which we will do next week before we start our next topic of Judaism.



In our topic of Marvellous Me, we have been continuing learning about the senses.  This week we looked at the sense of sight and the children exprienced what it would be like to be blind and also how valuable guide dogs are to the visually impaired.  We looked at and felt medicine boxes then attempted to make our own braille using pegs and pegboards and card, playdough and sharp pencils.  We then put the eye mask on to see if we could feel which letters and words we had made.


After a lot of practical work on tens and ones in 2 digit numbers, we started our new topic of addition this week.  We will continue with this next week.

Billinge - Our Local Area:

We enjoyed a walk around Billinge on Thursday, trying to locate places on a checklist along with trying to find out something new about Billinge that we didn't already know.  Miss was so proud of the way we behaved on our walk and the way in which we handled ourselves near the busy roads of Billinge.  Alex was confident in explaining to us the rules of The Green Cross Code before we headed out on the walk. yes