Week ending 5th May

Date: 3rd May 2017 @ 10:51pm


We have been learning to divide by grouping and sharing.  We have used practical apparatus to help us and some children have drawn dots to help them calculate the answers.  Our homework is all about last week's topic of fractions.  Don't forget to return it by Mondayyes

Plants: Image result for plant

Miss asked us to write an information booklet about everything we have learnt in our topic of plants.  She awarded a prize for the booklet that contained the best scientific knowledge.  Kiera L, Florence and Gabriella were pleased as punch when they were awarded the Super Scientist Award!  Well done girls!

Seaside Collages

We have had such making our seaside collages over the past few weeks and today we finished them off by adding different textures to create a 3D collage.  Have a look at them in our gallery.  They will make you feel all summery! Image result for sunshine pic

Bye Bye Miss Mychalczuk!

Miss Mychalczuk sadly leaves us today to go back to university.  She has worked in our class since November 2016 and will be very sad to say goodbye to all the children. We made her a card with a photo of everyone and she has promised to come back and visit us.  We will miss you lots and lots Miss Mcchalczuk! crying

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