Week ending 3rd November

Date: 6th Nov 2017 @ 2:46pm

Welcome back to all of Y1 and we are looking forward to another busy half term full of fun and learning. smiley


Come and See:

We are excited to be starting our new topic on Belonging. heart


We have been busy bees subtracting using ten sticks and ones.  It is harder than adding, especially when we have to change a ten into ten ones before we can take away.  Some of us keep forgetting to look carefully at the minus sign and we keep adding the numbers instead of subtracting!

Science - Marvellous Me

Emilia thought there was a strange smell outside the Y1 classroom on Tuesday and she was right!  In fact, there were 30 strange smells coming from 30 numbered pots!  The pots were covered so that we couldn't see the contents.  We weren't allowed to taste them, it was impossible to touch the contents and we weren't even allowed to shake them and listen to the sounds that they made.  We had to rely on our super sense of smell to predict what was in each pot.  Of course some of us predicted correctly whilst some of the pots had us all tricked! 

Giraffes Can't Dance!

We were delighted, this week, to be introduced to our new Class Reader Giraffe's Can't Dance.  This links to our topic on 'Marvellous Me' perfectly and has an important message behind it.  Having read it together on Thursday and Friday, we thought up some fantastic ideas about this message such as 'be who you want to be', 'never give up on your dreams' and 'be true to yourself'.  Miss thought our ideas were very grown up, mature and well thought out.