Week ending 30th June

Date: 3rd Jul 2017 @ 10:38am

After all the excitment of Arts Week, this week has been a much quieter week but we have still been busy bees with our learning....

The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch:

We have really been enjoying the book called The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch by Ronda Armitage and this week we were looking at descriptive writing.  We were asked to create a checklist of all the important things we need to remember in our descriptive sentences.  We came up with the following checklist (prepare to be amazed!):

1. Capital letters

2. Finger spaces

3. Full stops

4. Conjunctions (eg, and, but, so, because)

5. Adjectives - we are really really good at these!!!!!

Miss was soooo impressed with our checklist and said that if we remember to put all of these in our writing, then Mrs Talbot-Davies will be very impressed with us in September. yes 

It made our mouths water to think of different foods and we enjoyed playing the 'delicious description' game where we had to think of different adjectives to describe different foods.  Some of us even used the idea of alliteration and thought up descriptions like "scrumptious, sizzling, smokey sausages!  Yum Yum!

Seaside Holidays in the Past:

We are really enjoying this topic and this week have begun thinking about the different foods that would have been enjoyed on a Victorian picnic over 100 years ago.  Miss said that she has a surprise for us next week and we are going to be tasting some of those foods....some of us are not so sure about this but some of us are very excited! We will let you know how we get on.    yes  no

Next week is the Summer Fair and then there are only two more weeks left for us in Y1.  Still plenty of time to keep on learning though and we will keep you posted of what we are getting up to. smiley