Week ending 2nd March

Date: 28th Feb 2018 @ 11:29am

Come and See

We have been continuing learning about the special meal that we share with the Parish Family.  Some of us role played the offertory, whilst some of us wrote about this important part of the Mass.  We have also been listening to the story of the Last Supper from the Bible.


We have carried on finding and writing the addition facts to 20 using the Numicon.  Miss is going to send some learning homework home with us so we can practise these number bonds at home.  We then moved swiftly on to subtraction, taking away using whole part diagrams and ones and numberlines and solving word and missing number problems.

World Book Day:

We had a fabulous time on World Book Day, with the whole celebrating their love and passion for reading and books by decorating a potato or potatoes as characters from their favourite books.  Have a look at the Y1 contributions and see if you can guess which character(s) they are and from which book. cool

Land Art:

As part of our new topic, we spent the afternoon in search of natural objects from our school wooded area.  We talked about what makes things natural and looked at the work of Andy Goldsworthy and his love of 'land art'.  He usually creates sculptures outside and then lets the environment naturally break them down.  We would love to have created our land art pieces outside but, sadly, the weather was against us.  Therefore, we spent the afternoon creating our land art pieces inside and then sketched them into our Art books.  We were very proud of our masterpieces!