Week Ending 29th September

Date: 27th Sep 2017 @ 5:06pm

Hi Everyone, 

We've been learning about British Values this week and enjoyed an assembly looking at what British Values are.  In class we talked about what these values might mean for us and we decorated a map with key words.  We helped create a map showing all different faces which represents all the different people in our country.

In maths we've been ordering numbers and counting forwards and backwards in steps of 10.  We are getting better at reasoning questions and "explaining" our answers to one another.  We are quite knowledgeable about tens and ones now.

In literacy lessons we've been practising our reading comprehension looking at a book all about crocodiles.  Some of us have been enjoying working on the computer answering questions about Ebooks that we have read.  We have been using our storyplans to write a story about going on holiday. we've not quite finished yet.

In our Come and See lessons we have been thinking about how prayer brings us closer to God and have been learning about all the different ways to pray.  We have made some of our own prayers and responses which we are going to use in our class worship next week.  We are coming to the end of our first topic called "Beginnings".


Mrs Talbot-Davies x