Week ending 29th September

Date: 27th Sep 2017 @ 12:40pm

We cannot believe how fast the weeks are flying by.  This week has been another busy week in the Y1 classroom; we have lots to share with you.

Come and See

Thank you to all the parents who sent in family photos.  We have displayed them on our Come and See display or our prayer table.  This week we have continued learning about God's wonderful family.  We have collaged God's beautiful world, written prayers and role played everyday problems.  We also learned what Jesus' family life would have been like over 2000 years ago and role played and made zig zag books to illustrate it.

British Values

This week was British Values week throughout the whole school.  We learnt about the British Government and the Houses of Parliament and decorated our own 'House of Parliament' ready for some of them to be added to the British Values display in the entrance hall.


We were very excited on Thursday morning when a 'mystery envelope' addressed to Year 1 was delivered to the classroom by Mrs Ollerton and we had some amazing ideas as to whom it might be from.  When Miss opened it for us, we were so happy to hear it was from Miss Davies and Miss Parr in Reception, asking us how we are settling into Year 1 and what we have been learning about.  We have decided to write our own letters back next week, so our focus next week will be how to write an informal letter.

Walk Around Billinge

We really enjoyed our walk around Billinge on Thursday afternoon and found out lots of things that are positive in Billinge such as the different types of houses, the different shops and the new petrol station.  However, we were also disappointed to find a real problem on the pavements of Billinge which is dog muck!  We had to be so careful to avoid this on the pavements and unfortunately one of us ended up standing in it!  Yuk!  

We have therefore decided to write to the local council to complain about it and see if something can be done to improve things.  We will be writing formal letters to the local council over the next few weeks so watch this space....cool