Week ending 28th September

Date: 28th Sep 2018 @ 4:07pm

Another week done!

Well another week has just flown by and it is so encouraging to see the children becoming more independent in their approach to learning.  They have quickly adjusted to the routines of Y1 and we are very proud of them!

Billinge - Our Local Area

The children had such fun on Thursday using a map of our local area to locate various places.  They were able to locate Birchley Road and therefore our school, the row of shops and The Billinge Arms.  The children are so excited to be going on our walk around Billinge next Thursday and hope to find out something new about our local area.

Measure - Does the tallest person in Year 1 have the biggest feet?

This was the question that greeted the children on Friday morning and they had to put their 'investigator hats' on to think of ways in which they could find out the answer to this question.  The children had great thoughts and ideas and eventually decided to measure each member of the class against the wall (to find out the tallest person) and to then find out how big their feet are.  The used cubes for this.  Have a look at the photos below to see the fun they had.  Oh, and the answer to the question is NO!  THe children discovered that although Alice is the tallest member of the class, other children had feet the same size as her!