Week ending 28th April

Date: 26th Apr 2017 @ 2:53pm

Hello everyone!

We have had another busy week in Y1! 

Maths: Image result for fraction pizza

This week we have continued our topic of fractions.  We have been finding halves and quarters of quantities using the fraction table to help us.

Science:    Image result for tomato

We learnt about the life cycle of a tomato plant in Science.  We compared the difference  between the seeds, bulbs and fruits and looked carefully at tomato plants, tomatoes growing on the vine and the seeds inside the fruit from which the next plant would grow.  We made the life cycle out of different art materials and some children researched it using information books.

Visit of Bishop Tom:

Some of the children in Y1 had very important parts to play in the Mass this week.  Dylan and Lexie were chosen for the very important job of taking the offertory to the Bishop on the altar.  Ava, Kiera A and Florence weren't a bit nervous when they sang in front of the whole church.  Everyone agreed that they sang beautifully.     


We have been learning about Algorithms this week and had fun outside following the instructions we were given, like robots.  This was to help us understand how a computer follows a set of instructions to solve a problem or to get something done.