Week ending 26th May

Date: 5th Jun 2017 @ 2:13pm

Our last week before we break up for half term and we are ready for the break laugh This week, however, we have been working very hard!


We have been learning about a variety of minibeasts and some of us made our very own minibeasts. Iris made a bee, Harrison made a ladybird and Jordan, Declan and Joshua C made scary spiders! Some of us grouped the minibeasts according to their characteristics and some of us researched them using the internet and information books. 

Human V Physical

In Geography, we had fun using our bodies to act-out different features of Blackpool and we also had to say whether the features are human features or physical.  We thought up a super saying and some actions to help us remember the difference between human features and physical features.  Human - we pretend to hammer and say 'made by humans' and physical we do an X-Factor style cross and say no humans, just natural.  When we say the word 'natural' we open our arms out.  If you ask us at home, we might be able to show you! enlightened


We had such fun on Thursday afternoon with our last lesson on Land-Art.  This was a different kind of lesson in that we worked as a whole class, designing and creating our one sculpture using things from the natural environment, as before.  We spent time hunting for interesting things we could use and making lists of those things we had found.  We then decided, after a big discussion, that we wanted to try and create a sculpture of Blackpool Tower as Blackpool has been our topic in Geography.  Have a look at the photos to see how we all worked as part of a team to build the sculpture.  We are really proud of it and of ourselves. yes