Week ending 26th January

Date: 26th Jan 2018 @ 3:57pm

Come and See

We learnt about how the priest welcomes the parish family to Church on Sunday and we listened to a Bible story about Jesus' early life when he visited the temple.


We have been very busy getting ready for our assembly.  We have been painting, designing, reading and singing.  One by one we are getting our roles and we are going to practise with Y2 and Reception next week before all of our parents come to see us the following week.


Counting in 2's and even numbers are what we have been learning about this week.  Ask us at home if we know how to spot an even number.

The Great Fire of London

Things have been 'hotting up' further this week in that we have begun designing our Tudor houses which we are going to be making over the next few weeks, ready for our real fire of London.  surprise The children have also enjoyed looking at the diary of Samuel Pepys and used their senses to write their own diary entries, as if they were there at the scene of the fire back in 1666.  Miss was soooo impressed with their descriptive language and that the children are becoming more confident now at writing for different purposes.  It's newspaper reports next week and the opportunity to become a real-life reporter!  We told you things were hotting up! 


Image result for fire