Week ending 24th November

Date: 30th Nov 2017 @ 5:26pm

Come and See

We have been working our little brains very hard writing lots of questions to ask Father about Baptism.  Miss was very impressed with our knowledge about Baptism and our descriptions of the sacrament when we completed our writing this week.


We have been continuing our work finding and representing different addition facts and some of us are now beginning to see the patterns in the different number bonds.

Christmas Crackers

Part of the Y1 classroom was turned into a Christmas Cracker Factory this week, when we started making our sweet filled crackers for the Christmas Fayre.

Gerald the Giraffe

We ended the week (and our time spent on Giraffes Can't Dance) by writing out the story in our own words.  Miss was so proud of the way in which we were able to work independently, stay focused and the stamina and pace which we are developing!  We have a display board up in class now called 'Star Writers'....I wonder who will be first to get their work up on the wall? yes