Week ending 23rd November

Date: 24th Nov 2018 @ 7:04pm

Come and See

Well we are nearly at the start of Advent and are just finishing off our Baptism topic of Belonging.  Some of our children helped Miss to plan our end of topic celebration and Heidi and Jonathan read the Gospel story of Jesus and the children to the class during collective worship.  We have also been very busy being the choir and orchestra for the KS1 Nativity play.  A letter will be sent home soon detailing which clothes the children need to bring in for the dress rehearsal on 10th December and performances for parents on 11th and 12th December.  We will be starting our Christmas topic of Waiting next week.


Thank you to the parents who attended our Maths workshop earlier in November, a copy of which has been put on the Y1 page of the website.  We have been continuing with number in our maths lessons.  We have been practising finding addition fact families before moving on to number bonds/addition facts up to ten.  We used various apparatus to help us find all the different pairs of numbers that total 5,6,7,8,9 and10.  Some of us even carried on finding addition facts and number bonds beyond 10! yes