Week ending 23rd March

Date: 27th Mar 2018 @ 12:12pm

Come and See

We spent Monday morning making our promise cards for Lent and thought carefully about how we could change for the better on the 'inside'.  We also listened to the story of Palm Sunday.  Some of us made our own palms and re-enacted the story, some of us made banners to welcome Jesus back and some of us retold the story in writing in our own words.


We observed a range of flowers very carefully using magnifying glasses.  We then found photos of the flowers in information books so that we could identidy and name them properly.

Letters and Sounds:

We are continuing to practise reading both nonsense and real words in preparatioin for our special reading in June.  Another set of words for you to practise with will be sent home in the next few weeks.

Unwanted 'Junk' Please....

A letter was sent home on Friday asking for any unwanted 'junk' to be sent in ready for after Easter when we will be bringing our Enchanted Wood to life and doing our final piece of desciptive writing for this most enjoyable topic.  We have asked for items that can withstand this ever-changeable weather we are currently experiencing. Thankyou in advance,frown