Week ending 23rd June

Date: 26th Jun 2017 @ 9:55am

It's a small, small world! Earth, Globe, Protection, Planet

What an amazing week we had during our Multicultural Arts Week. smiley  It all started last Monday morning when we had an assembly to kick start the week off with each class being given a flag and boarding pass for their given country.  Year 1 were off to Kenya!  How exciting!

Image result for kenya flag and welcome in swahili

Throughout the week we enjoyed creating collaged flags, painting sunsets and silhouettes, sketching animals and making AND EATING Jollof Rice.  It was yummy!  How amazing is all of that!  We learnt so many fascinating facts throughout the week and by the time Thursday arrived it was time to experience the music of Kenya.  We explored different rhythmic patterns and even enjoyed dancing to Kenyan music. It was so much fun! 


Miss gave us the opportunity to listen and dance to some music from Kenya and then we had such fun playing different musical instruments, creating strong beats and rhythmic patterns.  It was brilliant!


Friday morning was full of more fun and excitment when we took a short break from Kenya for a while to meet Jonny, the didgeridoo man. He came into class to tell us all about life in Australia and how to play the didgeridoo.  We all had a go at playing plastiic didgeridoos....it was so much fun but much harder than you think!  


In the afternoon it was our celebration assembly and we enjoyed watching  some children from years 2, 5 and 6 show their dances and also enjoyed listening to Y5 play brilliant samba rhythms and Y6 play the panpipes!


Phew.......all of us (including Miss) were glad it was hometime.....a very busy but brilliant week! laugh