Week ending 21st September

Date: 20th Sep 2018 @ 5:17pm

Well we are already three weeks into the new term and hasn't it just flown!  The children have been working really hard and have been very well behaved.

Come and See

We have been reading and illustrating psalms from the Bible about God's love for us.  Some children wrote prayers asking God to look after members of their families whilst others collaged a psalm about God's beautiful world.

Diary Writing

We have started writing about our weekends and the activities and events which we have enjoyed. Mummys and Daddys beware there will be no more secrets! Every week the teacher chooses a goalscorer whose work is shared with the class on the interactive whiteboard and they are allowed to wear the crown for the day!  


We have been super busy reading, writing,counting and ordering numbers and completing forwards and backwards sequences.  We have also attempted some reasoning activities.  We will soon move onto understanding the place value of the digits in 2 digit numbers.

Marvellous Me

Following on from our external body parts lesson from last week, the photos of which can be viewed in our gallery, we spent this week labelling all the facial features of ourselves.  The children really enjoyed seeing their beautiful and handsome photographs!