Week ending 21st July

Date: 21st Jul 2017 @ 12:16pm

Fond farewell to our lovely children in Y1!

As we approach the end of the last day, we would like to say a fond farewell to all the children of Y1 and a huge thankyou to their parents for all the support you have shown us throughout this academic year. Also, a sincere thankyou for the beautiful gifts and cards which the children have brought in; it really is very touching and appreciated. smiley

The children have worked very hard and are feeling very proud of themselves as they prepare to move on to Y2.

However, before we sign off, we would like to tell you what a wonderful time we had at our 'picnic in the past' yesterday and thank you to all the grown-ups who came along, brought delicious food that would have been eaten at at picnic during the Victorian times and especially to those grown ups who joined in the country dancing.  Have a look at the photos....they are brilliant!

We wish you all a wonderful summer break filled with lots of sunshine and happy times.

See you in September!

The Y1 team heart