Week ending 21st April

Date: 19th Apr 2017 @ 4:04pm

Hello Everyone!   smiley

Welcome back after half term.  We hope you all had a lovely time, a good rest and you didn't eat too many Easter eggs!  As usual, we have got straight  down to learning in Y1 and here are some of the interesting things we have been doing:


This week we have been learning about halves and quarters.  We have folded, cut and coloured shapes into halves and some of us have even investigated quarters.  Joshua Mooij amazed us with his fantastic fractions knowedge!

Come and See:

We started our new topic on 'Holidays and Holy Days' on Tuesday.  We enjoyed talking about all the wonderful holidays we have been on and how they make us feel.  Poppy told us that she went to Florida at Easter and it was amazing! 

Fun! Fun! Fun!      

We had a great time on Wednesday morning, while Miss was on duty, taking turns at trying to shoot the ball into the net.  Reggie and Sofia both scored a goal whilst Deacon scored three and Ava scored a fantastic four!