Week ending 20th April

Date: 26th Apr 2018 @ 10:44pm

Welcome Back to Everyone!

We trust that you all had a wonderful Easter break and look forward to sharing with you all the wonderful work that Year 1 will be covering this half term.

Come and See

We have been finishing our topic of Change this week and we all reflected upon how we have changed and made new starts during Lent. Some of us said our prayers more or gave some of our belongings to charity whilst some of us helped with the dishes or tidied our bedrooms.


As well as continuing to learn how to do whole, half and quarter turns, we learnt about doubling quantities and numbers and started to use repeated addition as an introduction to multiplication.

Fantastic Finish - The Enchanted Wood

The children in Year 1 had a wonderful time this week bringing the lovely topic of The Enchanted Wood to a close this week by spending time creating magical, woodland features for our Enchanted Wood using reclaimed materials.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of the wonderful 'bits and bobs' you sent in and we are thrilled with the final creation.  We hope you have had the chance to take through our Enchanted Wood and see some of the things that the children have created.  Have a look at our gallery of pictures.  It was a beautiful, sunny day and the most perfect end to what has been another exciting topic!  What could possibly follow a topic such as this................watch this space! cool