Week ending 19th October

Date: 23rd Oct 2018 @ 8:38am

We've reached the end of the half term - Phew!  Well done Y1!

Well the end of the first half term has arrived and it's time now for the children to take a break for a week and relax.  We are incredibly proud with the way in which they have settled into life in Y1 and all the new routines and expectations.  

Super Spelling Quiz

Well done to the children for learning the ten spellings that were sent home for the sponsored spell and for the money they raised.  smiley

Independent Writing

The children were very grown up on Friday morning, carrying out a piece of writing completely independently, linking to our book we have enjoyed this half term called A Huge Bag of Worries.  The children were asked to write about the main character (Jenny) and what happens to her in the story.  The children have enjoyed this book and it's (hopefully) made them realise that everyone has worries from time to time, that worries feel better once shared and that sometimes we worry about things that need not be our own worry.

Have a wonderful break Y1.  Keep up with your reading, relax with your families and we will see you for more fun and learning in a weeks time. yes 

Adios! laugh