Week ending 19th May

Date: 17th May 2017 @ 9:33pm

Another enjoyable week in Year 1!  We cannot believe it is only one more week until we break up for half-term. There are still a few more things to fit in but here's what we have been up to this week...


We have learnt so much about the seaside town of Blackpool in Geography that this week we have started writing our own non-chronological reports about it.  We have really enjoyed researching new and fascinating facts about Blackpool and a few of use have shared some fascinating facts with you on here....check them out!

Come and See:

After our fabulous Pentecost party last week, this week we have stepped into the shoes of the disciples to write how they felt and acted after Jesus sent them their special friend and helper the Holy Spirit.  Leon wrote "Jesus didn't lie, he kept his promise.  I shouted with happiness."  Roman wrote "I feel joyful and happy.  Hosanna!  Jesus has risen from the dead!"  Some children thought about how the Holy Spirit makes them act.  Joseph wrote that when the Holy Spirit makes him feel peaceful, he always sits down and relaxes!  Bronagh wrote that when the Holy Spirit makes her feel new, she tries to play with someone different.  heart

Land Art:

On Thursday afternoon we revisited our Land Art creations outside and were fascinated to see how they had changed over the week, due to the weather and the natural environment.  We had fun comparing how they had changed but weren't too disappointed as next week we are making a whole class creation, so cannot wait for that!