Week ending 19th January

Date: 21st Jan 2018 @ 2:27pm

Come and See:

This week we have been learning about all the different roles in the parish community.  Some of us would like to arrange the flowers, some of us want to collect the money or clean the church and some of us even want to be the priest.  


We have spent this week looking at non-fiction books about The Great Fire of London and have been looking at all the key features of a non-fiction book such as the lay out, contents page and the index.  We then wrote our own fascinating facts about The Great Fire of London suitable for a non-fiction book. 

Image result for great fire of london                                             Image result for great fire of london

Our next job over the next few weeks is to look at the diary of Samuel Pepys and to write our own diary entries and then we are going to imagine we are newspaper reporters live at the scene of the fire!  We are really enjoying this new topic and are showing such enthusiasm in every lesson we have!

Numeracy:        Image result for balancing scales

We have enjoyed, this week, weighing different classroom objects using cubes.  We talked about how we can tell what the weight of an object is by it balancing with a particular number of cubes.  Some of us were really good, also, at estimating how many cubes the objects would weigh.  


Art / D.T

We have finally finished our skyline paintings of The Great Fire of London (pictures to follow) and are looking forward to starting building tudor-style houses out of reclaimed materials over the next few weeks.  We hope there won't be a fire though ..........you'd better watch this space! wink