Week ending 16th March

Date: 16th Mar 2018 @ 12:58pm

Come and See

In preparation for Easter, we started our new Come and See topic 'Changes' this week.  We explored changes and learnt about Ash Wednesday as the start of Lent.


Circles, triangles, squares, cubes, cones, spheres.  This week has been all about naming and identifying 2d and 3d shapes.

Mapping Skills

We have continued to enjoy developing our mapping skills this week and impressed Miss with how quickly we learnt about north, south, east and west.  Our new friend Molly  (who only joined us last week) was so confident and showed us how to use our arms to point in the correct direction.  Well done Molly! smiley

The Magic Tree

We had such fun looking for the perfect tree in our local wood at school that can become our Magic Tree for our Enchanted Forest topic.  We found one that had little openings in it as well as a bird house at the top of it and are thoroughly looking forward to 'bringing it to life' over the coming weeks. 

Worry Box

From next week we will have a Worry Box in our classroom.  It will be there for the children of Y1 to use as and when they have any worries, however big or little they may be.  The idea is that the children will write their worry onto a slip of paper, keeping it anonymous if they so wish.  Miss will then do a 'Circle Time' every week or so when the worries may be read aloud and we will discuss as a class what we would say to that person who has that worry.  We hope that the children will gain comfort from this little box as we know that even our younger children in school have worries from time to time and we want them to know that there are ways of sharing these worries to help them feel more at ease. 

Image result for sharing a worry