Week ending 14th September

Date: 16th Sep 2018 @ 1:02pm

Come and See:

This week saw us start our new religion topic 'Families'.  The children discussed all of the members of their families and shared how they show love and care.  They all drew pictures of and labelled their family members.


We learnt the names of external body parts by singing songs and playing 'Simon Says' and 'The Okey Kokey'.  We worked in teams drawing round the outline of one of the team members then labelling all of the external body parts.


On Thursday afternoon, we had an amazing time scootering around the playground under the expertise and guidance of James, the Scoot-Fit man.  The children worked hard at perfecting the technique of scootering and by the end of the session, all of the children were scootering (at the same time) around the playground to music....a Scoot-Disco!  It was so brilliant to see and the children all felt a real sense of achievement.  Thankyou to Mrs Cotterill for organising such a brilliant activity!