Week ending 14th July

Date: 18th Jul 2017 @ 10:07am

Food Glorious Food! 

Our taste buds were certainly put to the test this week when we were given the opportunity to taste foods that would have been eaten on a Victorian picnic.  Some of us were very brave and tasted all of the foods but some of weren't so sure of some of it, especially the marmite on toast and the blancmange!  no Many of us mistook the marmite for chocolate spread and had rather a nasty surprise when we smelt it or popped it in our mouths.  angry

We were really good at thinking up adjectives to describe the different foods. Isla was a superstar and enjoyed all of the foods!  She came up with super words to describe them like sour, sweet, floppy and crunchy to describe them.  Well done Isla!

We are all feeling excited about our very own picnic in the past next Thursday (20th July) and hope to see as many of you there as possible.