Week ending 13th October

Date: 12th Oct 2017 @ 5:10pm

This week has been a very enjoyable one involving designing posters to send to Billinge Council, encouraging people to pick up their dog muck, stories from the Old Testament and experimenting with watercolours.  We cannot believe it is almost the end of our first half term in Year 1. surprise

Come and See:

This week we have been listening to stories from the Old Testament about Abraham and Moses.  Jacob B knew lots about Moses and how he led the Jewish people out of Egypt to the Promised Land.  He amazed Miss with his knowledge!  Some of us made tents and role played the story of Abraham in the desert.  We all made stars showing our loved ones, as God told Abraham that his descendants would be more than the number of stars in the sky.  


We have been busy bees adding with tens and ones as well as using numberlines to find the totals.

Do the tallest people in Year 1 have the biggest feet?

This was our Friday Challenge today in our measuring lesson and we had such fun, thinking of how we could best answer the above question.  We shared our thoughts and ideas as to how we could find the answer and eventually some of us decided that we should draw around our feet or a friends foot and use unifix cubes to measure how long each foot is.  We took one of our shoes and socks off and got drawing and measuring! 

We were fascinated to discover that of the six children who had the biggest feet, only two of them were of the tallest in the class so from this discovery, we could answer the question.  What fun we had!

Feeling Cosy:

Have you seen our new Cosy Corner?  We are thrilled that it is now finished and would like to thank Mrs Dixon and Mrs Martin for the time they have given in getting it all ready for us to enjoy!