Week ending 12th January 2018

Date: 10th Jan 2018 @ 12:57pm

A very warm welcome back to all the children of Y1 and we trust that you had a very happy, exciting time over the Christmas period.  We are sure there will be lots of 'news' to share on our first week back!


Come and See

Well Christmas is over and we have just started our new topic of 'Special People' in 'Come and See.'  During this topic we will learn about the Church and how we all help each other because we belong to the parish family.


This week we have been catching up on the topics of money and time that we didn't quite finish before Christmas holidays.  We have been recognising the coins, understanding their value and making exact amounts of money.  We have also been reciting the days of the week and months of the year as well as drawing and placing the small hands and the big hands on clock faces to show o'clock times.  It was harder than you think as some of us kept putting the hands in the wrong places.

Our New Topic - The Great Fire of London!

To launch our new topic, Miss asked us to listen to sounds and draw images that came into our minds, focusing on shape and colour.  We then put all of these together to compare them and discuss.  It was interesting how some people had heard weather sounds and some had heard fire and fireworks.  It was in fact the sound of real fire!!!  Crackling, spluttering and hissing! 

After a morning of learning about The Great Fire of London, we spent Thursday afternoon thinking about the scenes when the fire was ablaze and how that would have looked against the night skyline.  We then used paint to create a fire background.  These will be used with our skylines which we are going to be creating next week.  They looked amazing!    

On Friday morning there was a real surprise in store for us!  After playtime, Miss led us out to the playground where we were greeted with a real, red, massive FIRE ENGINE and a team of real firefighters!  We couldn't believe it!  The firefighters were so brilliant, letting us sit on the fire engine, look at the different equipment and even using the hoses to fire water!  Have a look at our gallery for the photographs!  Even Mrs Hymers joined us!  We didn't squirt her with the hose...although we were tempted!  wink

This visit by the fire service really gave us a good insight into how difficult it must have been back in 1666 when London was ablaze with fire yet they only had buckets of water to help put out the flames!  We are going to be creating our own 'Fire of London' over the next few weeks and the fire fighters will be returning to assist us in a controlled creating and putting out of a fire so watch this space!!!