Week ending 11th May

Date: 14th May 2018 @ 10:01pm

What a good week we've had in Year 1 this week and have a lot to share with you.


After our fraction pizzas from last week, we have continued to learn about halves, quarters and three quarters.  We have done lots of folding, cutting and colouring to help us understand fractions of shapes.  We also learnt about the fraction table and how it can help us to find fractions of quantities.


We have been learning about how animals are classified.  We played a game of 'Corners' using animal pictures.  We had to find the group to which we belonged from mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, fish and birds.


We spent this week's lesson using natural and man-made objects to create seaside collages, using our text The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch as our inspiration for ideas.  See if you can pick out the lighthouse, seagulls or the cottage on the cliffs in our pictures.

Interview for the position of Customer Service Advisor -

Blackpool Tourist Information Centre:

The children were thrilled on Thursday morning to receive surprise letters in their personal trays, inviting them to attend an 'interview' for the above vacancy.  This will give them, should they be successful, the opportunity to 'work' in our new role-play area whenever they are given the opportunity to.  The children have been asked to put together a short presentation, showing how much they actually know about Blackpool.  Of course, all of the children will have the chance to work in our pretend Information Centre, but it was fun creating this interview idea and the children fully embraced it.  We hope to post some of them on here, so keep an eye out for the presentations.