Week ending 10th November

Date: 10th Nov 2017 @ 4:31pm

Come and See

We really enjoyed visiting Liverpool Cathedral, learning about its history and looking at the stained glass windows and art work.

We have continued our belonging topic by designing badges for our school and class.  Thank you for all of the white garments and baptismal candles that you have sent in.  The children have shared all of their treasured reminders of their baptism with the rest of the class.

Giraffes Can't Dance:

We have really enjoyed learning how to write descriptive sentences and the importance of using adjectives when writing a description.  Miss was amazed at some of our character descriptions this week, using adjectives like 'cheeky', 'kind' and 'frustrated' in our writing!  WOW! surprise

Healthy Eating

We were introduced, this week, to 'The Eatwell Plate' and looked at the different food groups and how they create a balanced diet.  We had to talk about the different food we eat in our diets and were delighted to see that we all try our very best to eat our '5 a day' every day! smiley  Over the coming weeks, we will be desigining and creating our own healthy meals so watch this space! cool