Week commencing 20th July 2018

Date: 20th Jul 2018 @ 12:16pm

Well, it's sadly the end of what has been a wonderful, exciting year during which we have seen our Y1 children grow and mature, showing they are now ready for Y2.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support throughout the year and wish both you and your children a long, enjoyable summer full of glorious sunshine and making memories.

We are delighted to end our year of blogging with photographs of our extremely successful trip to Blackpool which all of the children thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish.  Some members of staff said it was a 'brave' thing to do, some said it was a 'crazy idea' but we are delighted to say that the children were an absolute joy to take on a trip such as this and their behaviour was explemory throughout.

We have attached plenty of photographs which we hope give you a real flavour of the fun we had.  There was the tram journey, the 4D cinema in the tower, going up to the very top of the tower, the beach and then finally the zoo.  Phew!  No wonder we had snoring children on the journey home!

Many thanks, once again, especially for your generous gifts and cards.  You are all very kind! 

Take care,

Mrs Taylor and Mrs Duffy x