Children in Need week

Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 2:32pm

We have had a great week and we have been very busy.  At the start of the week we completed our ‘Promises’ work in Come and See by creating a guide to Baptism.  In literacy, we have started reading a new book ‘The time travelling cat and Egyptian Goddess’.  We linked our writing to the first four chapters of our new book.  In numeracy we have continued the addition and subtraction topic.

Throughout the week we have been completing different activities based around ‘Children in Need’ and 5 ways to thrive.  We kick started the week by dressing in our own clothes to show our personalities.  Each day we have set ourselves 5 small goals to achieve throughout the day.  We finished off the week by watching Joe Wicks and dressing in Pudsey bear t-shirts, socks and headbands .  Take a look at the pictures below to see our fantastic outfits.

Well done Year 3, you have all worked really hard.

Thank you for all your patience and co-operation with the new homework system.