Week beginning 8th May

Date: 10th May 2017 @ 4:08pm

Hello everyone, another busy week.  We've been practising for Sport's Day, which hopefully, weather permitting, is next Tuesday 16th May at 2pm.  We've changed it slightly this year and are looking forward to using the new Sports Equipment on the Infant Playground.  

In our "Come and See" lessons we have been looking at the story of when Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit. We devised our own role plays to help us retell the story.  The photos of the role play show what the disciples were feeling like before the Holy Spirit and how they felt when they remembered that Jesus would send them a new friend  - the Holy Spirit to help and guide them. Some of us went on a walk around school and thought about all the different ways we help others, we talked about how the Holy Spirit helps to guide us and leads us to make the right choices.

In our maths lessons we have been learning to tell the time, we've enjoyed using the Maths ICT program which we found on the internet.  Some of us have even been practising at home! We're also having a real push with our times tables.

In our English lessons we're enjoying researching about our favourite African Animals.  Next week we are going to write a report about our animal. Again, some of us have been researching at home! 

Busy Busy Busy - that's Y2!blushsmileyblush