Week beginning 5th June

Date: 9th Jun 2017 @ 5:19pm

Weclome back everyone after a lovely half term break!

A little bit more relaxed this week with only four days in school and all our tests completed.  We enjoyed Tuesday morning with a swap around,  PE in the morning! That was different as it's usually Maths, English and Come and See.  In the afternoon we continued with our Come and See lessons and had some really insightful dicussions about the Holy Spirit and its presence in our lives.  The children had some really great ideas about how we could make our world a happier and safer place. (See one child's thoughts at the end of this blog.)

We enjoyed our Wednesday morning, back to following our usual timetable and it was Spanish and Music.  

On Thursday we started a new English wriitng unit, focusing on poetry.  We enjoyed Walter de la Mare's, "The Horseman,"  and are going to learn it off by heart for our homework next week.  We started to write poems in the style of "The Horseman".  On Thursday afternoon we worked with Mrs Williamson doing lots of research on the computers - update next week.

I had to share one child's written piece about spreading God's Word.  Here it is:

I can be kind and helpful by doing what my family and teachers say to do, more tidying up and do my best. I will follow the Holy Spirit and do what the disciples did. I will try to be a very good friend to people and not say mean words.  We all know that we are all loved by the Holy Father and Jesus, all the time and every day. The gift of the Holy Spirit was a gift for the disciples, now it's a gift for us. It guides us all the way. All year and all month.