Week beginning 26th June

Date: 29th Jun 2017 @ 2:30pm

Hi everyone,

What a busy week we've had! On Monday we went to Knowsley Safari Park to see and learn more about African Animals.  As always Year 2 impressed the teachers with their extensive knowledge of Africa, they have obviously listened well in lesson time.

We did some lovely writing on Tuesday and had a fun PE lesson, where we had to work in co-operative partners to win the game.  On Wednesday we planned our Class Collective Worship and again the children worked hard to think of some creative ways to worship.

On Thursday , the feast day of St Peter and St Paul, we learnt about the lives of these saints and then we enjoyed celebrating with the Y4 children and their parents at our "Go Forth" mass.  We were joined by some parents, friends and family for a picnic lunch in the hall.  Pity about the weather but we made the most of it!

See you all next week, lets hope it's dry for Monday when we will be having our Sports Day in the afternoon.smiley