Week Beginning 23rd March

Date: 23rd Mar 2020 @ 1:50pm

Hello everyone, 

Hope you are all well and enjoying working to your home timetable.  We willl be brilliant at our times tables with all this extra practice we will be having!

Don't forget to read a favourite book every day, the Serial Mash books on Purple Mash are fun to read and then you can complete the quiz at the end of each chapter.  I have responded to all the completed 2Dos and have set you up another one for tomorrow. 

Phonics Play is a great website to visit to practice all our letters and sounds, you will need to ask a grown up to help you with this.

Remember to get plenty of exercise if you can go out into your garden and make the most of the sunshine.

Take care Y2 children and families, I am thinking of you all!

Mrs Talbot-Daviessmiley