Week beginning 19th June

Date: 21st Jun 2017 @ 5:00pm

Hi all,

What a marvellous week we've all had!  Arts Week 2017 has been a truly memorable event. It launched on Monday with a whole school assembly when we all discovered our individual class destinations. Y2 were off to India! We received our Boarding Passes and our flag and off we went! (Back to class - not to India.) On Monday morning we made samosas with Mrs Williamson and talked about all the spices that are used in Indian Cooking.  We drank tea (tradional drink of India) and dunked biscuits just like they do in India.  On Monday afternoon we did some Indian dancing with the dance teacher from Premier Sports. The dance we learnt was fabulous and I was so impressed with how everyone really joined in with the spirit of the dance.

On Tuesday we looked at the Elephant Festival in Jaipur and the traditional art of Rangoli.  We used a rangoli pattern to decorate our Indian elephants.  It was quite detailed, intricate art work but once again Y2 impressed with their marvellous attitude and it was lovely to move around the classroom listening to the children chatting and collaborating to produce some lovely art work.