Week beginning 15th May

Date: 19th May 2017 @ 7:59pm

We have worked so hard this week in Y2! I want to say a massive well done to each and every pupil in Y2, their attitude to learning and their behaviour has been exemplary.  We have completed our Reading Challenges and I am so proud of all the children. We have also continued to enjoy reading our class reader, "George's Marvellous Medicine"  and the children have produced some lovely writing. A big "shout out" to Sonny who has been working hard at home and produced some great factual booklets with quizzes attached, all based around work we have been covering in class. Well done Sonny!

Next Thursday,  as a treat for all our hard work we are going to have a "movie morning" followed by some art work. Children can bring in popcorn or crisps.

We have been so busy so I am sorry to say no photographs to post this week. sad

Have a lovely weekend everybody,

Mrs TD